Canon fisheye lens: a new dimension to your photography

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Canon fisheye lens: a new dimension to your photography

The Canon fisheye lens is a popular piece of equipment among photographers who love to capture unique and creative images. With its distinctive distortion and wide-angle perspective, the fisheye lens can add a new dimension to your photography. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the Canon fisheye lens and explore its features, benefits, and some tips on how to use it effectively.

Canon fisheye lens
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Features of the Canon Fisheye Lens

The Canon fisheye lens is a wide-angle lens that creates a circular or hemispherical image with a 180-degree field of view. It is available in different focal lengths, ranging from 8mm to 15mm, which offer varying levels of distortion and field of view. The lens is made up of several elements, including spherical and aspherical elements that help to reduce aberrations and improve image quality.

One of the most notable features of the Canon fisheye lens is its ability to create a unique and eye-catching perspective. The lens distorts the image, making it appear as if the subject is closer than it actually is, which can create an interesting and creative effect. This distortion can also make straight lines appear curved, which can be used to add a sense of movement or depth to your photos.

Benefits of Using the Canon Fisheye Lens

There are several benefits to using the Canon fisheye lens, including:

1. Creative Perspective: The fisheye lens offers a unique perspective that is not possible with other lenses. It can create a spherical or hemispherical image that gives a 360-degree view of the subject, making it ideal for capturing landscapes, architecture, and other wide-angle scenes.

2. Wide-Angle View: The Canon fisheye lens has a wide-angle view that can capture more of the scene than a traditional lens. This is useful when shooting in tight spaces or when you want to capture a large group of people or a vast landscape.

3. Distortion Effect: The distortion effect of the fisheye lens can add a new dimension to your photography. It can be used to create a sense of motion, depth, or to draw attention to specific elements in the scene.

4. Improved Image Quality: The Canon fisheye lens is made up of several high-quality elements that reduce aberrations and improve image quality. This means that your photos will be sharper and more detailed, even when shooting at wide angles.

Tips for Using the Canon Fisheye Lens

Use a Tripod: When shooting with the fisheye lens, it's essential to use a tripod to keep your camera steady. This will help to prevent camera shake, which can lead to blurry photos.

Experiment with Different Angles: The fisheye lens can produce some fascinating results when used at different angles. Try shooting from a low or high angle, or experiment with tilting the lens to create interesting compositions.

Use the Lens Hood: The lens hood is an essential accessory when using the fisheye lens. It helps to prevent lens flare and reduces the risk of damage to the lens.

Shoot in RAW: Shooting in RAW format will give you more control over the final image. RAW files contain more information than JPEG files, which means you can make more adjustments to the image in post-processing.

Avoid Shooting Straight Lines: The fisheye lens can distort straight lines, making them appear curved. This effect can be useful in some situations, but it can also be distracting in others. Try to avoid shooting straight lines, or use them creatively to add a sense of movement or depth to your photos.

Use the Right Settings: When shooting with the fisheye lens, it's important to use the right settings. Use a small aperture to ensure that the entire scene is in focus, and a slow shutter speed if you want to create a sense of motion. You may also need to adjust your ISO settings to ensure that your photos are properly exposed.

Pay Attention to Composition: As with any type of photography, composition is key when using the fisheye lens. Pay attention to the placement of your subject and the surrounding elements in the frame to create a balanced and visually pleasing image.

Experiment with Post-Processing: While the fisheye lens can create some unique and interesting effects, you may want to experiment with post-processing to further enhance your images. Adjusting the levels, contrast, and color saturation can help to bring out the details in your photos and create a more polished final result.

Examples of Canon Fisheye Lens Photography

To give you an idea of what can be achieved with the Canon fisheye lens, here are some examples of fisheye lens photography:

Landscapes: The fisheye lens is perfect for capturing wide-angle landscapes. The distortion effect can make the scene appear even more expansive, creating a sense of grandeur and scale.

Architecture: The fisheye lens can also be used to capture unique and creative shots of buildings and architecture. The distortion effect can make the buildings appear taller or wider, creating an interesting and dramatic effect.

Action Shots: The fisheye lens can be used to capture action shots with a sense of motion. By using a slow shutter speed and panning with the subject, you can create a dynamic and exciting image.

Portraits: While the fisheye lens is not typically used for portraits, it can be used creatively to create a unique and stylized image. By positioning your subject in the center of the frame and using a wide aperture, you can create a striking and eye-catching portrait.

Top Canon Fisheye lenses

Canon offers several fisheye lens options for photographers, each with its own set of features and specifications. Here are some of the top Canon fisheye lenses:

1. Canon EF 8-15mm f/4L Fisheye USM Lens

This is one of the most versatile fisheye lenses on the market, offering a range of focal lengths from 8mm to 15mm. It also features Canon's L-series quality, which means it is built to last and produce high-quality images.

Canon fisheye lens: a new dimension to your photography

2. Canon EF 15mm f/2.8 Fisheye Lens

This lens offers a fixed focal length of 15mm, making it a great option for photographers who want to capture wide-angle shots without the distortion of a fisheye lens. It also features a fast maximum aperture of f/2.8, which is great for low-light photography.

Canon fisheye lens: a new dimension to your photography

3. Canon EF-M 15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 IS STM Lens

This is a fisheye lens specifically designed for Canon's mirrorless cameras. It offers a range of focal lengths from 15mm to 45mm, making it a versatile option for a range of shooting scenarios. It also features image stabilization and a quiet STM autofocus system.

Canon fisheye lens: a new dimension to your photography

4. Canon EF 14mm f/2.8L II USM Lens

This fisheye lens features a fixed focal length of 14mm and Canon's L-series quality. It is designed for full-frame cameras and offers a wide maximum aperture of f/2.8, making it a great option for low-light photography.

Canon fisheye lens: a new dimension to your photography

5. Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L III USM Lens

This lens is not a fisheye lens, but it does offer a wide-angle view that can be useful for landscape and architectural photography. It features Canon's L-series quality, a fast maximum aperture of f/2.8, and a range of focal lengths from 16mm to 35mm.

Canon fisheye lens: a new dimension to your photography


  • Unique visual perspective: The most significant advantage of using a fisheye lens is the ability to capture a unique, distorted perspective that cannot be achieved with other types of lenses.
  • Wide angle of view: Fisheye lenses offer a much wider angle of view than standard lenses, allowing you to capture more of the scene in a single frame.
  • Creative possibilities: Fisheye lenses are often used in creative or experimental photography, allowing you to create unique, stylized images that stand out from traditional photographs.
  • Versatility: Some fisheye lenses offer a range of focal lengths, making them versatile options for a wide range of photography styles and situations.


  • Distortion: The most significant disadvantage of using a fisheye lens is the significant distortion of the image. This distortion can be distracting or undesirable in some situations, and may require post-processing to correct.
  • Limited application: While fisheye lenses can be versatile, they are not suitable for all types of photography. In particular, they may not be suitable for portrait or product photography where a more natural perspective is desired.
  • Difficult to use: Fisheye lenses require careful attention to composition and camera settings to get the best results. It can be challenging to use them effectively, particularly for beginners.
  • Price: Fisheye lenses can be expensive, particularly if you are looking for high-quality optics or advanced features. They may not be a worthwhile investment for casual photographers or those on a tight budget.

Comparison with similar lenses

When it comes to comparing fisheye lenses with similar lenses, there are a few options to consider. One is to compare fisheye lenses with other wide-angle lenses, which offer a similarly wide field of view but without the distinctive fisheye distortion. Another option is to compare fisheye lenses with ultra-wide-angle lenses, which offer an even wider field of view but without the fisheye effect.

1. Wide-angle lenses: Wide-angle lenses typically offer a field of view between 60 and 120 degrees, which is wider than a standard lens but narrower than a fisheye lens. These lenses are generally less expensive than fisheye lenses and offer less distortion, making them a good choice for landscape and architectural photography where a more natural perspective is desired. Wide-angle lenses also tend to be easier to use than fisheye lenses, as they require less attention to composition and camera settings.

2. Ultra-wide-angle lenses: Ultra-wide-angle lenses typically offer a field of view of 110 degrees or more, making them even wider than fisheye lenses. These lenses can be a good choice for landscape and architectural photography, as well as astrophotography, where a wide field of view is essential. However, ultra-wide-angle lenses typically do not offer the fisheye distortion effect, which can be a disadvantage if you are looking for a unique visual perspective.

In general, fisheye lenses are best suited for creative or experimental photography, where the distinctive fisheye distortion can add an interesting visual element to your images. They may not be the best choice for more traditional photography styles, but can be a fun and versatile addition to your lens collection.


The Canon fisheye lens is a versatile and unique piece of equipment that can add a new dimension to your photography. With its wide-angle view and distortion effect, it can be used to capture a wide variety of subjects, from landscapes to action shots. By following the tips outlined in this article and experimenting with different angles and compositions, you can create stunning and creative images that will stand out from the crowd.


Q: What makes Canon fisheye lenses unique? 

Canon fisheye lenses are known for their high-quality optics and versatile range of features. They offer exceptional image quality and are designed to withstand heavy use by professionals.

Q: What types of photography are Canon fisheye lenses best suited for? 

Canon fisheye lenses are particularly well-suited for landscape, architectural, and action photography. They can also be used for creative portraiture and unique, stylized images.

Q: How do I use a fisheye lens effectively? 

To use a fisheye lens effectively, it's important to experiment with different angles, compositions, and lighting conditions. You'll also need to pay close attention to your camera settings, including aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, to get the best results.

Q: Can fisheye lenses be used for video as well as photography? 

Yes, fisheye lenses can be used for both video and photography. They are particularly effective for capturing action and creating a sense of motion in video footage.

Q: Are Canon fisheye lenses compatible with all Canon cameras? 

Canon fisheye lenses are designed to be compatible with Canon cameras that use the EF or EF-M lens mount. However, it's always important to check the compatibility of specific lenses with your camera before purchasing.

Q: Do I need to use a special lens hood with a fisheye lens? 

Some fisheye lenses may come with a special lens hood designed to prevent lens flare and protect the front element of the lens. However, this is not always necessary and may depend on the specific lens and shooting conditions.

Q: Can fisheye lenses be used for astrophotography? 

Yes, fisheye lenses can be a great option for astrophotography, particularly for capturing wide-angle views of the night sky. However, you may need to use a tripod and adjust your camera settings to get the best results.

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